ylaa is bilingual
ylaa is pedagogically valuable
ylaa serves food for thought
ylaa cares
ylaa works hand in hand with parents and is flexible

CORONAVIRUS: Cancellation of the Corona protection measures

The Federal Council has completely repealed the Corona protection measures as of April 1, 2022.

This means that the guidelines for dealing with persons infected with the corona virus in child care centres and School-complementary centres will no longer apply: There are no longer any COVID-19 specific exclusions of ill persons. The general “Guidelines on attendance at school, kindergarten and child care centres in the event of infectious diseases”, which were already in force before the pandemic, are once again valid. Meaning that sick children can attend the child care centre/school-complementary centre again if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication; <38.5°C measured in the buttocks or ear; <38.0°C measured under the armpit or in the mouth) and are not visibly ill (reduced general condition). Mild symptoms such as a cold, sore throat, mild cough can are tolerated. This is in line with the rules that were in place before the pandemic.

Employees and parents no longer wear masks in our facilities.

In exceptional cases, when the level of sickness in the institution is high again, certain measures can temporarily be reintroduced. This is decided by the respective pedagogical management of the institution.

Nevertheless, to minimize the future risk of infection, we adhere to the following measures:

  • We ventilate several times a day
  • We keep our distance from each other
  • We sneeze and cough into a handkerchief or the crook of our arm
  • We wash our hands thoroughly and continue to disinfect surfaces

Parent events can resume as normal.

Excursions and events with the children can take place normally again.

Current information from kibesuisse you find here: www.kibesuisse.ch/merkblatt/corona/