Emergencies happen everywhere. Our employees must also expect to be confronted with emergencies at any time. It is also not impossible to have people with chronic illnesses closely around. As an emergency helper, you have to decide quickly what to do in an emergency. Is it enough to apply a plaster, or do you have to call in the doctor / ambulance service? During the emergency first aid course, that took place on October 30, 2021, our employees received basic knowledge of how to deal with such situations confidently and safely.
Our employees learned in the emergency first aid course:
– Self-protection, alerting, chain of survival
– Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack/stroke
– Foreign body aspiration
– BLS particular on child reanimation.
– Medical-legal aspects
– Dealing with children’s diseases
– First aid after accidents
– First aid for spinal injuries
– Procedure after accidents in children