ylaa Kids out and about


At ylaa Bruderholz, we put a lot of effort into making the educational program varied and appealing for the children. In addition to our many in house activities like cooking, baking, crafting, painting, sensory play, dancing, singing, gymnastics, etc., excursions and time in nature are part of every day.

Whether it’s a walk to the nearest playground or a trip to the Basel Zoo, the children are always highly motivated to be out and about together. These excursions give the children many learning experiences and promote several areas of development in a playful way.

On our way, the children have to learn to observe the traffic rules and train their spatial awareness. They practice recognizing the colors of the traffic light and know when they need to wait and when they can cross. Along the way, they will see nature in all its seasons and can observe and get to know the flora and fauna in our area. In the tram, the children get to know different districts of Basel and train their sense of direction.

Once we arrive at the destination, a wide variety of fields of development can be addressed, from gross motor skills through climbing, hopping and sliding on the playground, to cognition through looking at and recognizing animals in the zoo and much more. Excursions also promote a good mood and atmosphere in the group and strengthen the children’s “sense of togetherness”. With conversations and verbal accompaniment, we also actively involve social interaction and promote language development.
Excursions in the day-to-day life of the daycare center are therefore a holistically valuable experience for the children and also for us adults they are a refreshing change of scenery and a lot of fun.

Playfully promoting development outdoors


At ylaa Bruderholz, we give our kids lots of space to discover and observe. We are happy to be able to use our garden area when the weather is nice to promote the children’s development in a wide variety of areas and to enjoy time together outside. Our employees are always coming up with creative ideas to give the children new impulses and to offer high-quality educational activities.

Today we have put the children’s motor skills development in the focus of play. With balance beams, hula hoops, vehicles, parachute cloths, seesaws, and tunnels, we offer the children various movement options and promote their gross motor development in areas such as balance, coordination and strength. Fine motor skills are also strengthened in a playful way by practicing grasping, steering the vehicles, and collecting small natural treasures.

In these kinds of activities, the children can express their natural urge to move and can orient themselves according to their individual needs. Outside, we always find exciting animals or plants to marvel at. The children love to collect, and we discover the world around us together with them in a curious and joyful way. On such a sunny day, it is a real treat for young and old.

Healthy through nutrition


In the ylaa Bruderholz the kids are busy helping to prepare the snacks – Z`Vieri and Z`Nüni. Through these activities, the children train their skills in a playful way. They learn how to use the knife and promote their fine motor skills and concentration. During the preparations, the colors of the ingredients are recognized and named, which develops their cognitive skills. Contact with various healthy foods also expands their knowledge and encourages memory and understanding. At ylaa Bruderholz, we enjoy picking up on the children’s curiosity about food, offering them healthy nutrition and imparting knowledge about food.

The ylaa Bruderholz is proud to have the certification of Fourchette Verte – Ama Terra. This concept is based on food that is regionally, seasonally and organically grown. The menu of our fantastic chef Dimitrios is varied and balanced, according to the rules of Fourchette Verte and tastes great for the children and adults too.

First Aid Courses 2023


In November, our two first aid course days “Emergencies in Children” took place in Adliswil.
Practical exercises for alerting, chain of survival, recognising the various symptoms of a heart attack/stroke, etc. were taught to our motivated employees.

Another very important item on the program was resuscitation for children and adults. This is a very important point, as there are differences between infants and adults regarding the application of pressure during resuscitation. In this context, the defibrillator was also used repeatedly, and the corresponding handling was explained in detail.

It has been shown that the practical part and the associated repeated repetition in groups and different staged emergency situations is mandatory, on the one hand to overcome certain fears of contact and on the other hand to be able to act immediately correctly and purposefully in an emergency.

Summer Charity Event


The Kita ylaa Bruderholz had celebrated its annual Somme Charity Event at the end of August. We enjoyed an afternoon with hot temperatures and plenty of sunshine. We offered a range of different activity stations for the kids to enjoy such as face painting, making bracelets, storytime with Myki, folding paper planes, a bubble station, a raffle and water games. Delicious food stalls with hotdogs, nachos and smoothies were there to feed our hungry guests.

The kids and parents had a lot of fun, which was sadly abruptly cut short because of a thunderstorm.

We are very proud to say that through this great event we manages to raise a donation of CHF 743.- for the SOS-Children’s Villages! Thank you for your generosity and participation.



We congratulate Corinne Anzelini and Tamara Bravi on their successful completion of their apprenticeship.

We are happy that Tamara Bravi will continue to work at ylaa Bruderholz as a group manager after successfully completing her apprenticeship.

We are looking forward to further cooperation.

We wish Corinne Anzelini all the best for her future and exciting professional experiences.

Lorena Villa – New group manager, group polar bears


“I find great fulfillment in my work at Ylaa Bruderholz, where I have the privilege of witnessing the remarkable growth of the children under my care on a daily basis. It brings me joy to observe their development and observe how they learn and master new skills.”

Kita ylaa Bruderholz had an exciting visit


We were all very excited when Renato visited us and brought gifts for all of us on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of kidéal-kitas. During this celebration, we also had a chance to talk with each other. The children could play with their friends from other groups and eat a delicious homemade cake. It was a very nice afternoon for everyone!

The Expat-Expo in Basel


On Sunday, 29.01.2023, ylaa was represented at the Expat-Expo in Basel. Various service providers from all over Basel and the surrounding area use the opportunity of the Expo to introduce themselves to the Anglophone community and help families to feel at home faster.

At our booth we were able to welcome many interested parties and our wheel of fortune turned diligently.

We would like to thank everyone who visited us and are happy about the new contacts we were able to make.

ylaa is at the Expat-Expo!


On Sunday, 29.01.2023, ylaa will present itself at the Expat-Expo at the Congress Center at Messe Basel.
But what exactly is the Expat Expo? Here is an excerpt from the official website:

“Expat-Expo is a one-day, admission-free event for the English-speaking residents of Switzerland. Our event gathers various local, English-speaking businesses, organisations, museums, clubs and service providers together, under one roof to showcase their goods and services. Integrating into a new country can be a daunting process and Expat Expo is designed to help the Anglophone community feel quickly at home here. Expat-Expo contributes greatly to the successful integration of newly arrived families and veteran expats alike and reduces the stresses of integration.”

We also want to make our contribution to making expats feel at home in Switzerland more quickly by finding a place where they can entrust their children to our pedagogically valuable child care.

Come and visit us at our table number 68 right next to the bouncy castle.

We are already looking forward to seeing you.