Outdoor fun – at any time of the year

At ylaa Densa Park, we love to be outdoors, no matter what time of year it is. In addition to the numerous activities that take place within the child care centre, such as morning circle, free play, creative activities and reading time, we spend several hours in the fresh air every day.

This is not only fun, but also promotes the health, social interaction, as well as cognitive and motor development of the children. Through joint outdoor activities, the children learn to interact with each other, solve conflicts and form friendships. The desire to discover is awakened by nature’s incentives: What is the name of this flower? What kind of creepy-crawly animal is this? How big is this tree? The cognitive skills are trained and the children learn to open up to their surroundings. The movement strengthens the children’s gross motor skills and serves as a balance. They can use their energy consciously by running, climbing or opening a construction site in the sandbox.

For this purpose, we are regularly in the garden directly behind the house, the nearby playground with numerous activities or organize walks and excursions, to the Lange-Erlen in the zoo or simply along the Rhine to watch ships. The children thus have the opportunity to get to know the world outside the daycare center and can benefit from the diverse learning experiences.

The topic “My body belongs to me”


In our ylaa child care centres, we deal with the topic “My body belongs to me” with the children every year. This year, we were able to carry out this project at the ylaa Densa Park daycare center with the support of the Limita concept. The Limita concept is a service offered by the Limita office, which is committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation of children, adolescents and people with disabilities. The concept consists of different modules that are tailored to the needs and age of the children. The aim is to strengthen the children’s personal development, to give them a positive body image and to help them to maintain and respect their boundaries.

We dealt with the following elements with the children during the project weeks:

• Emotions
• How to get help and secrets
• My body belongs to me!
• How to say No

These topics were conveyed by us through various media such as picture books, games, songs and creative offers. The children were allowed to make emotion cards, give each other a stone massage, learn a poem about feelings and transfer depicted situations to their own everyday life with the help of the picture books.

Interior design


The room of a child care centre is also often referred to as “the third educator” alongside parents and the staff. The design of the room has an influence on how the children feel comfortable in it and should meet the needs of the children. In this way, a room can stimulate activity, calm down or, as is currently the case, set the mood for a special event.

The team and children of the ylaa Densa Park daycare centre have decorated their rooms for Christmas together. Window pictures, garlands, fairy lights and creative works by the children make the daycare centre shine in a pre-Christmas splendour. Miky has also found his favourite place. Can you guess where?

First Aid Courses 2023


In November, our two first aid course days “Emergencies in Children” took place in Adliswil.
Practical exercises for alerting, chain of survival, recognising the various symptoms of a heart attack/stroke, etc. were taught to our motivated employees.

Another very important item on the program was resuscitation for children and adults. This is a very important point, as there are differences between infants and adults regarding the application of pressure during resuscitation. In this context, the defibrillator was also used repeatedly, and the corresponding handling was explained in detail.

It has been shown that the practical part and the associated repeated repetition in groups and different staged emergency situations is mandatory, on the one hand to overcome certain fears of contact and on the other hand to be able to act immediately correctly and purposefully in an emergency.

Clear the ring!


As part of the anniversary theme for 15 years of kidéal, we were able to celebrate our summer party in circus style together with the children and parents.

Music, dancing, treats and fun games were of course not to be missed. The deliciouse cotton candy and our popcorn machine were of course particularly popular with the children.

But also the ring throw and the lion game, the handicraft table and the make-up station enjoyed great popularity.
Of course, our circus director Miky was also part of the party. He watched over the donation box of the SOS Children’s Village, for which we were able to collect generous donations again this year.

The forest with all the senses


The children from ylaa Densa Park took advantage of the beautiful weather with summer temperatures to spend a lot of time in the forest.

Not only because it was pleasantly cool in the shade of the trees, but to experience the forest with all your senses:
What’s buzzing in the bushes? Do you see the little beetle on the way? What does this flower smell like? How does the bark of the tree feel?

In addition, the children are on the move by walking, climbing, running in the fresh air, which promotes motor skills and strengthens the immune system.

We are looking forward to many more excursions where we can discover nature.

A day at the child care centre ylaa Densa Park


Everyday life in a child care centre holds many great experiences. Here at ylaa Densa Park, children experience something new every day.
We want to offer them an environment in which they can learn playfully and grow together. Through our daily changing offers on topics such as experiments, movement, language, excursions and role play, the children will find a suitable space to live out their imagination and skills accompanied by the educators. In this way, they expand their skills in the areas of gross and fine motor skills, language development, emotional development, social skills and much more in a protected environment.

We are grateful to accompany the children on their way.

The Expat-Expo in Basel


On Sunday, 29.01.2023, ylaa was represented at the Expat-Expo in Basel. Various service providers from all over Basel and the surrounding area use the opportunity of the Expo to introduce themselves to the Anglophone community and help families to feel at home faster.

At our booth we were able to welcome many interested parties and our wheel of fortune turned diligently.

We would like to thank everyone who visited us and are happy about the new contacts we were able to make.

ylaa is at the Expat-Expo!


On Sunday, 29.01.2023, ylaa will present itself at the Expat-Expo at the Congress Center at Messe Basel.
But what exactly is the Expat Expo? Here is an excerpt from the official website:

“Expat-Expo is a one-day, admission-free event for the English-speaking residents of Switzerland. Our event gathers various local, English-speaking businesses, organisations, museums, clubs and service providers together, under one roof to showcase their goods and services. Integrating into a new country can be a daunting process and Expat Expo is designed to help the Anglophone community feel quickly at home here. Expat-Expo contributes greatly to the successful integration of newly arrived families and veteran expats alike and reduces the stresses of integration.”

We also want to make our contribution to making expats feel at home in Switzerland more quickly by finding a place where they can entrust their children to our pedagogically valuable child care.

Come and visit us at our table number 68 right next to the bouncy castle.

We are already looking forward to seeing you.

kidéal celebrates 15 years


A slightly different year at kidéal Kitas

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of kidéal ag (ownership of the child care centres Chinderstern and ylaa as well as the school complementary centres Tagesstern), we have planned several exciting activities.

As a kick-off, Renato Zanetti, the CEO of kidéal, will visit all 18 institutions in the first quarter of the year and bring a small gift to each location. This gift will accompany the care team, as well as their children, throughout the anniversary year and make them part of the festivities.

Of course, there will be one or two further surprises, but we do not want to reveal everything at this point.
Thank you for your trust in us. We are happy to care for your child in this exciting and eventful year.