ylaa is bilingual
ylaa is pedagogically valuable
ylaa serves food for thought
ylaa cares
ylaa works hand in hand with parents and is flexible

Kita ylaa Bruderholz, Schönenbergstrasse
your child care center in Basel

Kita ylaa Bruderholz Schönenbergstrasse in Basel is a bilingual, multicultural child care center, offering invaluable educational guidance and complementary care for children outside the immediate family. We welcome children of all nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds.

Our priorities are

Kita ylaa child care puts your child at the center of our efforts. With us it will grow, learn and develop in a safe environment.

Be in the loop

Through the Year with ylaa Schönenbergstrasse – A Look Back at Shared Experiences

We experience every season in all its facets together with the children – from summer adventures to winter discoveries. With excursions, seasonal meals, and a deep appreciation for nature, each year becomes something truly special.
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